• Installation

  • Care Instructions

  • Packaging & Shipping

Installation is simple and hassle-free. You have the option to securely glue the panels to your walls or ceilings using our recommended installation adhesive.


For detailed instructions, we provide an installation guide that will walk you through the process step by step.


Alternatively, the Fixie method allows for easy and semi-permanent wall mounting.


You can also order installation accessories directly from the website.

When it comes to maintenance, the foam panels are durable and easy to clean.


A simple wipe with a damp cloth will keep them looking fresh and pristine for years to come.

The panels are safely packed in carton boxes and shipped via DHL.

We deliver the panels straight to your doorstep within up to 5 business days.

International Shipping

100% Money-Back guarantee

Made in EU

Fast Customer Support

Verified Reviews

Wedge Panel - Høyfrekvent lydabsorber

Verified Reviews

DeWedge Panel - High-Frequency Sound Absorber er en banebrytende løsning designet for å takle de komplekse problemene med lydresonans og etterklang. Ideell for profesjonelle innspillingsstudioer, øvingslokaler eller personlige hjemmekinoer, reduserer den stående bølgeinterferens og flagreekko betraktelig, og forbedrer den soniske renheten til lydmiljøet ditt.


Laget av førsteklasses akustisk skumWedge Panel gir optimal lydabsorpsjon. Dens karakteristiske geometriske kiledesign maksimerer overflaten, og fanger effektivt opp de fleste høyfrekvente lyder som ellers kan forvrenge lydens klarhet.


En fremtredende egenskap ved denne lydabsorberen er dens justerbare orienteringen, slik at du kan plassere den horisontalt eller vertikalt for å finjustere den akustiske responsen i henhold til dine preferanser.


Forstå at hvert lydmiljø er unikt, tilbyr vi tilpasningsmuligheter for å møte spesifikke behov. Enten du trenger en spesiell farge for å komplementere innredningen din eller trenger en annen størrelse for å passe til et unikt rom, kan vi skreddersy våreWedge Panel s for å oppnå ønsket estetiske og akustiske resultater. For tilpassede forespørsler, vennligst kontakt oss påsupport@decibel.shop .


Panelet kommer i standardmål på 45 x 45 cm, med tykkelsesalternativer på 5 eller 10 cm på det høyeste punktet. Produktet er lett og fleksibelt, noe som sikrer enkel håndtering og installasjon.


% Discount

Tax is included in the price, for EU & UK customers only. 
Shipping cost is calculated at Checkout.

  • Installation

  • Care Instructions

  • Packaging & Shipping

Installation is simple and hassle-free. You have the option to securely glue the panels to your walls or ceilings using our recommended installation adhesive.


For detailed instructions, we provide an installation guide that will walk you through the process step by step.


Alternatively, the Fixie method allows for easy and semi-permanent wall mounting.


You can also order installation accessories directly from the website.

When it comes to maintenance, the foam panels are durable and easy to clean.


A simple wipe with a damp cloth will keep them looking fresh and pristine for years to come.

The panels are safely packed in carton boxes and shipped via DHL.

We deliver the panels straight to your doorstep within up to 5 business days.

International Shipping

100% Money-Back guarantee

Made in EU

Fast Customer Support

Add installation accesories:


Sound Absorption

Effective at absorbing mid to high-frequency sounds, providing a more balanced and acoustically optimised environment.

Versatile Designs

With a variety of shapes and sizes, these panels enhance the visual appeal of any space, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication.

High Quality

We use only carefully sourced, top-quality materials from the EU. Panels are made from high-density polyurethane foam.

Easy to Install

Lightweight and flexible, allowing for straightforward installation on walls and ceilings in both horizontal and vertical orientations.

Fire Resistant

Our foam panels are crafted from fire-resistant material with a certified classification of B, s1-d0, ensuring safety alongside superior acoustics.


Experience premium sound absorption and design without a premium price tag. Enjoy high-quality performance that aligns with your budget.

  • Coefficient of Sound Absorption

  • Installation Guide

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