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Podesivi viseći sustav za pregrade

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Ovaj podesivi viseći sustav posebno je dizajniran za jednostavnu ugradnju na strop. Dolazi s podesivim metalnim užadima i vješalicama, što omogućuje precizno postavljanje i sigurno pričvršćivanje vaših akustičnih ploča. 

Izrađen od visokokvalitetnih materijala, nudi izdržljivost i dugotrajnu izvedbu, učinkovito poboljšavajući apsorpciju zvuka u svakoj sobi ili prostoru. 

Na relevantnim stranicama proizvoda možete pronaći priručnik korak po korak koji će vas voditi kroz jednostavan postupak instalacije.


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  • Installation Guide

  • Installation Video

Screw the panel through the felt and into the wall. We recommend using 15 screws per. panel as illustrated in the drawing to the right. Remember to use rawlplugs if your wall type requires it.


For optimal sound absorption, set up a formwork with 45 mm studs on your wall. We recommend a distance of 600 mm between your studs. Insert mineral wool or Visto panel between the studs. Screw the panel onto the formwork through the felt.


If you need to adjust your panels in length or width, you can easily cut them to size. When adjusting the length of the panel, we recommend a sharp saw (for example a plunge saw) to cut through both slats and felt. When adjusting the width of the panel, you can use a hobby knife to cut through the felt.


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