The Art of Soundproofing and Acoustic Treatment of Studios

In the harmonious world of music production, where every note and nuance matters, creating an environment that fosters optimal sound quality is essential. Whether you're a seasoned professional in a state-of-the-art recording studio or a passionate beginner crafting tunes in a cozy home setup, the key to unlocking sonic brilliance lies in soundproofing and acoustic treatment.

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The vital synergy between soundproofing and acoustic treatment in music studios cannot be overstated. Soundproofing acts as a protective fortress, shielding musicians from external disturbances, ensuring an undisturbed space for both professionals aiming for flawless recordings and beginners exploring
their artistic realms.

Simultaneously, acoustic treatment refines the internal sonic landscape, enhancing clarity and tempering reverberations. Together, they create an immersive sanctuary where every note, lyric, and beat can be expressed and appreciated in their purest form. This harmonious integration of soundproofing and acoustic treatment transforms studios into spaces where creativity flourishes, elevating the music to unparalleled excellence.

Soundproofing – A Fortress Against Unwanted Noise

In the realm of music creation, silence is golden. Soundproofing is the knight in shining armor that guards against the invasion of unwanted noise. Whether you're battling street sounds, chirping birds, or the occasional household clamor, soundproofing materials create a shield, allowing you to focus solely on the symphony you're crafting.

Professional Studios

For the professional musician, investing in top-tier soundproofing solutions is an imperative. Cutting-edge materials such as mass-loaded vinyl, acoustic foam panels, and resilient channels can transform a studio into an impenetrable fortress, ensuring that every recording is free from external disturbances.

MUTE System Soundproofing panel brick wall noise insulation DECIBEL
MUTE System Soundproofing panel for wall sound insulation
MUTE System Soundproofing panel for solid wall noise insulation
MUTE System Thin Soundproofing panel for wall noise insulation
MUTE System Soundproofing panel easy DIY Installation on wall
MUTE System Soundproofing panel easy DIY Installation wall insulation
MUTE System Soundproofing panel easy DIY Installation
MUTE System Soundproofing panel easy DIY Installation sound insulation
MUTE System Soundproofing panel easy DIY Installation noise insulation
0% OFF
MUTE System Soundproofing panel brick wall noise insulation DECIBEL
MUTE System Soundproofing panel for wall sound insulation
MUTE System Soundproofing panel for solid wall noise insulation
MUTE System Thin Soundproofing panel for wall noise insulation
MUTE System Soundproofing panel easy DIY Installation on wall
MUTE System Soundproofing panel easy DIY Installation wall insulation
MUTE System Soundproofing panel easy DIY Installation
MUTE System Soundproofing panel easy DIY Installation sound insulation
MUTE System Soundproofing panel easy DIY Installation noise insulation


Iinnovative thin soundproofing system, developed and perfected by the renowned R&D department at DECIBEL, offers exceptional performance and reliability.


Home Studios

For the home studio enthusiast, entry-level soundproofing solutions can make a world of difference. Weatherstripping doors, using heavy curtains, and strategically placing furniture can significantly reduce external noise, providing a more conducive environment for creative expression.

DECIBOARD Soundproofing Panel for wall sound insulation
0% OFF
DECIBOARD Soundproofing Panel for wall sound insulation


PrezentareaDECIBOARD™ - soluția de ultimă oră pentru a obține o izolare fonică superioară în casa sau locul de muncă. Proiectat meticulos de echipa de experți de laDECIBEL ,DECIBOARD™ reprezintă vârful tehnologiei de izolare fonică DIY, combinând designul inovator cu performanța acustică dovedită.

Ideal pentru o gamă largă de medii, inclusiv spații rezidențiale, birouri, studiouri, restaurante și home theater,DECIBOARD™ asigură un control excepțional al zgomotului și izolație termică. Fiecare panou este realizat cu precizie pentru a asigura o eficacitate maximă, având o față din placă de fibre de înaltă densitate și un sistem unic de contact în 9 puncte care minimizează contactul cu peretele la mai puțin de 3%. Acest design inovator reduce transmisia zgomotului, creând o atmosferă pașnică și liniștită.

DECIBOARD™ panourile sunt proiectate pentru o instalare simplă, nefiind nevoie de unelte speciale sau echipamente de ridicare grele. Cu margini suprapuse care elimină scurgerile de zgomot, aceste panouri subțiri, autonivelante, sunt ușor de manevrat și perfecte pentru proiectele de bricolaj. Fiecare cutie include două panouri, care acoperă o suprafață totală de 1,08 m², permițându-vă să calculați și să comandați fără efort cantitatea exactă de care aveți nevoie pentru spațiul dvs.

Finalizați-vă instalarea cu încredere, știind astaDECIBOARD™ este susținută de ani de cercetare și dezvoltare riguroasă, asigurând performanțe de top în orice cadru.

Prețul de mai jos este pe cutie, conținând douăDECIBOARD™ panouri, gata să vă transforme spațiul într-un refugiu izolat fonic.


Everly Pump

Available in three widths, these pumps feature walkable heels and provide non-slip outsoles. With a pair of pumps like these Naturalizer Everly heels, you may be able to get through the day without any discomfort. They sit below the recommended 3-inch heel height and feature the brand’s signature open-cell foam padding to make it feel like you’re wearing the shoes and not the other way around. Choose from one of three widths (narrow, medium, wide) and strut with a pair of shoes that works for day or night, casual or special occasions.

Round-Toe Chunky Heels

These rounded-toe shoes provide an antibacterial, deodorizing cushion to keep your feet fresh. Anyone who has bunions should pay special attention to the toe box. Rounded or square boxes are better because pointed ones will add more pressure in that area. These heels from Vivaia have rounded toes to prevent worsening bunions, and their upper areas are knitted with flexible stretch. They’re also quite low at a little less than two inches to ease the pressure from your feet. And they have a non-slip rubber sole to help you stay put. If you have wide feet, we recommend selecting one size up for extra comfort.

Acoustic Treatment – Crafting a Sonic Oasis

In the realm of music creation, silence is golden. Soundproofing is the knight in shining armor that guards against the invasion of unwanted noise. Whether you're battling street sounds, chirping birds, or the occasional household clamor, soundproofing materials create a shield, allowing you to focus solely on the symphony you're crafting.

Low-range Frequencies

In the deep abyss of low-frequency sound, where bass notes resonate, the need for precision is paramount. Acoustic panels designed for low-range sound treatment act as sculptors, taming the rumbling waves and preventing them from engulfing the room. Strategically placing bass traps and panels in corners and against walls absorbs and diffuses these low-frequency vibrations, transforming a space from a potential sonic swamp into a clear, defined realm where each bass note finds its distinct place in the composition.

Arc Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall
Arc Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Walls
Arc Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall Ceiling
Arc Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Ceiling
0% OFF
Arc Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall
Arc Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Walls
Arc Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall Ceiling
Arc Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Ceiling

ARC™Bass Trap - Panou de absorbție a sunetului de joasă frecvență

An exceptional acoustic solution designed to provide significant sound absorption in low frequencies.


Low-range Frequencies

In the deep abyss of low-frequency sound, where bass notes resonate, the need for precision is paramount. Acoustic panels designed for low-range sound treatment act as sculptors, taming the rumbling waves and preventing them from engulfing the room. Strategically placing bass traps and panels in corners and against walls absorbs and diffuses these low-frequency vibrations, transforming a space from a potential sonic swamp into a clear, defined realm where each bass note finds its distinct place in the composition.

Pi Bass Trap Acoustic panel Low Frequency sound absorber DECIBEL
Pi Bass Trap Acoustic panel Low Frequency sound absorber wall ceiling
Pi Bass Trap Acoustic panel Low Frequency sound absorbing wall ceiling
 Pi Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall DECIBEL
Pi Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall DECIBEL
Pi Bass Trap Acoustic panel Low Frequency sound absorber DECIBEL
Pi Bass Trap Acoustic panel Low Frequency sound absorber wall ceiling
Pi Bass Trap Acoustic panel Low Frequency sound absorbing wall ceiling
 Pi Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall DECIBEL
Pi Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall DECIBEL

Pi™Bass Trap - Panou de absorbție a sunetului de joasă frecvență

Arc Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall
Arc Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Walls
Arc Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall Ceiling
Arc Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Ceiling
Arc Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall
Arc Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Walls
Arc Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall Ceiling
Arc Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Ceiling

ARC™Bass Trap - Panou de absorbție a sunetului de joasă frecvență

DB Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall
DB Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall Ceiling
DB Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall
DB Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall Ceiling

DB Bass Trap - Panou de absorbție a sunetului de joasă frecvență

Sharp Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber DECIBEL
Sharp Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber
Sharp Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Ceiling
Sharp Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall
Sharp Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorbing DECIBEL
Sharp Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber DECIBEL
Sharp Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber
Sharp Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Ceiling
Sharp Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorber Wall
Sharp Bass Trap Acoustic Panel Low Frequency Sound Absorbing DECIBEL

SHARP Bass Trap - Panou de absorbție a sunetului de joasă frecvență


Mid-range frequencies

As we ascend into the heart of the auditory spectrum, the mid-range frequencies become the soul of the music. Acoustic panels tailored for mid-range sound treatment refine the character of vocals, guitars, and other central instruments. Placed at reflection points and key surfaces, these panels absorb excess mid-range frequencies, mitigating the risk of unwanted reverberation. The result is a studio environment where every lyric, every chord, and every instrument shines with clarity, allowing the true essence of the composition to unfold.

Wood acoustic panel for wall and ceiling Wavo White
WAVO Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel Walls
Wood perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for ceiling Wavo
Wooden perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Wavo
Wavo Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel For Walls
Wood perforated acoustic sound panel for wall and ceiling Wavo
Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Wavo
DECIBEL Wood perforated acoustic absorbing panel for wall Wavo
Wood perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Wavo
Wood sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Wavo White
Wood Acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Wavo White
Wavo Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel For Walls DECIBEL
Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Wavo Oak
Wood acoustic panel for wall and ceiling Wavo Oak
Wood sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling WavoOak
Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Wavo Oak
Wood Perforated Acoustic Panel sound absorbing foam MDF WAVO
0% OFF
Wood acoustic panel for wall and ceiling Wavo White
WAVO Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel Walls
Wood perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for ceiling Wavo
Wooden perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Wavo
Wavo Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel For Walls
Wood perforated acoustic sound panel for wall and ceiling Wavo
Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Wavo
DECIBEL Wood perforated acoustic absorbing panel for wall Wavo
Wood perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Wavo
Wood sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Wavo White
Wood Acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Wavo White
Wavo Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel For Walls DECIBEL
Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Wavo Oak
Wood acoustic panel for wall and ceiling Wavo Oak
Wood sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling WavoOak
Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Wavo Oak
Wood Perforated Acoustic Panel sound absorbing foam MDF WAVO

WAVO - Panou acustic din lemn perforat

The perfect blend of style and functionality, designed to deliver exceptional sound absorption in the mid-range frequency of 300 - 600Hz.


Mid-range frequencies

As we ascend into the heart of the auditory spectrum, the mid-range frequencies become the soul of the music. Acoustic panels tailored for mid-range sound treatment refine the character of vocals, guitars, and other central instruments. Placed at reflection points and key surfaces, these panels absorb excess mid-range frequencies, mitigating the risk of unwanted reverberation. The result is a studio environment where every lyric, every chord, and every instrument shines with clarity, allowing the true essence of the composition to unfold.

Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall ACER Oak
Wood Perforated Acoustic Sound Absorbing Panel for Wall ACER
DECIBEL Wood Perforated Acoustic Absorbing Panel for Wall ACER
DECIBEL Perforated Acoustic Sound Absorbing Panel for Wall ACER
DECIBEL Wood Perforated Sound Absorbing Panel for Wall and Ceiling ACER
DECIBEL Wood Perforated Acoustic Sound Panel for Wall and Ceiling ACER
DECIBEL Wood Perforated Acoustic Sound Absorbing Panel for Wall ACER
DECIBEL Wood Perforated Acoustic Sound Absorbing Panel for Ceiling Oak ACER
Wood acoustic panel for wall and ceiling ACER White
Wood Acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling ACER White
Wood sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling ACER White
Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall ACER White
ACER Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel design
ACER Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel For Walls
Wood Perforated Acoustic Panel sound absorbing foam MDF ACER
Wood sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling ACER Oak
Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall ACER Oak
Wood Perforated Acoustic Sound Absorbing Panel for Wall ACER
DECIBEL Wood Perforated Acoustic Absorbing Panel for Wall ACER
DECIBEL Perforated Acoustic Sound Absorbing Panel for Wall ACER
DECIBEL Wood Perforated Sound Absorbing Panel for Wall and Ceiling ACER
DECIBEL Wood Perforated Acoustic Sound Panel for Wall and Ceiling ACER
DECIBEL Wood Perforated Acoustic Sound Absorbing Panel for Wall ACER
DECIBEL Wood Perforated Acoustic Sound Absorbing Panel for Ceiling Oak ACER
Wood acoustic panel for wall and ceiling ACER White
Wood Acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling ACER White
Wood sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling ACER White
Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall ACER White
ACER Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel design
ACER Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel For Walls
Wood Perforated Acoustic Panel sound absorbing foam MDF ACER
Wood sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling ACER Oak

ACER - Panou acustic din lemn perforat

Wooden acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Circulo White
Wood perforated sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Circulo
Wood perforated acoustic sound panel for wall and ceiling Circulo
Wood perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for ceiling Circulo
DECIBEL perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Circulo
DECIBEL Wood perforated acoustic absorbing panel for wall Circulo
Wooden perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Circulo
CIRCULO Wood Perforated Acoustic Panel For Walls
Wood perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Circulo
CIRCULO acoustic wood perforated wall panels
Wood sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Circulo White
Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Circulo White
Wood Acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Circulo White
Wooden acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Circulo Oak
CIRCULO Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel For Walls DECIBEL
Wood sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Circulo Oak
Wood Perforated Acoustic Panel sound absorbing foam MDF CIRCULO
Circulo Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel For Walls
Wooden acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Circulo White
Wood perforated sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Circulo
Wood perforated acoustic sound panel for wall and ceiling Circulo
Wood perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for ceiling Circulo
DECIBEL perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Circulo
DECIBEL Wood perforated acoustic absorbing panel for wall Circulo
Wooden perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Circulo
CIRCULO Wood Perforated Acoustic Panel For Walls
Wood perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Circulo
CIRCULO acoustic wood perforated wall panels
Wood sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Circulo White
Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Circulo White
Wood Acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Circulo White
Wooden acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Circulo Oak
CIRCULO Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel For Walls DECIBEL
Wood sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Circulo Oak
Wood Perforated Acoustic Panel sound absorbing foam MDF CIRCULO
Circulo Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel For Walls

CIRCULO - Panou acustic din lemn perforat

Wood acoustic panel for wall and ceiling Wavo White
WAVO Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel Walls
Wood perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for ceiling Wavo
Wooden perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Wavo
Wavo Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel For Walls
Wood perforated acoustic sound panel for wall and ceiling Wavo
Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Wavo
DECIBEL Wood perforated acoustic absorbing panel for wall Wavo
Wood perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Wavo
Wood sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Wavo White
Wood Acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Wavo White
Wavo Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel For Walls DECIBEL
Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Wavo Oak
Wood acoustic panel for wall and ceiling Wavo Oak
Wood sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling WavoOak
Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Wavo Oak
Wood Perforated Acoustic Panel sound absorbing foam MDF WAVO
Wood acoustic panel for wall and ceiling Wavo White
WAVO Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel Walls
Wood perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for ceiling Wavo
Wooden perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Wavo
Wavo Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel For Walls
Wood perforated acoustic sound panel for wall and ceiling Wavo
Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Wavo
DECIBEL Wood perforated acoustic absorbing panel for wall Wavo
Wood perforated acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Wavo
Wood sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Wavo White
Wood Acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Wavo White
Wavo Wooden Perforated Acoustic Panel For Walls DECIBEL
Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall Wavo Oak
Wood acoustic panel for wall and ceiling Wavo Oak
Wood sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling WavoOak
Wood acoustic sound absorbing panel for wall and ceiling Wavo Oak
Wood Perforated Acoustic Panel sound absorbing foam MDF WAVO

WAVO - Panou acustic din lemn perforat


High-Range frequencies

At the zenith of the sonic spectrum, the high frequencies sparkle like stars in the musical galaxy. Acoustic panels engineered for high-range sound treatment serve as guardians of the delicate treble notes. Positioned strategically on ceilings and surfaces prone to reflection, these panels act as a buffer against harsh reverberations. By taming the sharp edges of high-frequency sound, they create a space where the subtle nuances of cymbals, strings, and vocals can be appreciated without distortion, ensuring that the studio ambiance remains crisp and conducive to artistic expression.

Echo Wall Fabric Acoustic Panel Sound absorbing design ceiling DECIBEL
Echo Wall Textile Acoustic Panel Sound absorption design DECIBEL
Echo Wall Fabric Acoustic Panel Sound absorbing design ceiling
Echo Wall Textile Acoustic Panel Sound absorbing design DECIBEL
0% OFF
Echo Wall Fabric Acoustic Panel Sound absorbing design ceiling DECIBEL
Echo Wall Textile Acoustic Panel Sound absorption design DECIBEL
Echo Wall Fabric Acoustic Panel Sound absorbing design ceiling
Echo Wall Textile Acoustic Panel Sound absorbing design DECIBEL

Echo Wall - Panou acustic stofa 50 x 50 cm

Designed with a core of technical polyurethane acoustic foam, these fabric wrapped acoustic panels excel at absorbing sound and reducing unwanted echo in any interior space


Ceiling treatment

In the orchestration of studio acoustics, the often-overlooked canvas of sound above us plays a pivotal role. Ceiling acoustic treatment is the celestial touch that harmonizes the entire sonic experience. Specially designed panels suspended overhead serve as custodians, intercepting and diffusing sound waves that ascend towards the heavens. By addressing the reflective tendencies of ceilings, these acoustic treatments curate an environment where the music can breathe freely, untethered by unwanted echoes. The result is a studio space where each note gracefully dances in the air, creating an immersive auditory landscape that envelops both the professional maestro and the aspiring artist in a celestial embrace.

<tc>Echo Moon</tc> - Deflector acustic textil suspendat
Echo Moon Acoustic baffle sound-absorbing panel ceiling DECIBEL
Echo Moon Acoustic baffle sound-absorbing panel wall DECIBEL
Echo Moon Acoustic baffle sound absorption panel ceiling DECIBEL
Echo Moon Acoustic baffle sound absorption panel wall DECIBEL
Echo Moon Acoustic baffle sound absorption wall ceiling
0% OFF
<tc>Echo Moon</tc> - Deflector acustic textil suspendat
Echo Moon Acoustic baffle sound-absorbing panel ceiling DECIBEL
Echo Moon Acoustic baffle sound-absorbing panel wall DECIBEL
Echo Moon Acoustic baffle sound absorption panel ceiling DECIBEL
Echo Moon Acoustic baffle sound absorption panel wall DECIBEL
Echo Moon Acoustic baffle sound absorption wall ceiling

Echo Moon - Deflector acustic textil suspendat

This innovative acoustic baffle absorbs sound from both its front and back sides, creating an impressive architectural expression while providing exceptional acoustic performance.


4 Tips to Find Comfortable Heels

Know Your Right Shoe Size

It may sound silly, but a 2017 survey by the Podiatric Society found that almost half of the women in the UK alone are wearing the wrong shoe size. Your foot sizes change over the years, especially after having kids. When buying shoes, measure both width and length. A lot of people think it's wide or vice versa and it's not, so make sure to check that out before shopping.

The Thicker The Heel, The Better

Avoid thin heels: the stilettos. These heels often cause your feet to wobble around. If you wear stilettos every day, you may want to consider a chunkier heel style and change it up a bit. Chunky heels don't wobble as easily as high heels, which helps prevent your ankle from snapping.

Try a Shoe with More Top Coverage

The more coverage you have on the top of your feet, the better. Sometimes, you can wear high heels all day and they don’t bother your feet as much. In the summer, you can try something with an ankle strap or a large wide strap over the top. If you are worried about blisters and friction, you might want to try something that covers more of the top of your foot.

Opt for Platform Heels

Platform heels are more comfortable than single-sole heels because the actual heel is shorter than the heel height. The platform also reduces the impact of your feet touching the ground, reducing discomfort. However, thicker platform heels can cause your foot to wobble and your ankle to snap, especially if the platform is very thick and the heel is stiletto. The shoe should be a good ratio between a thick platform and a fitting heel.

Fun Facts About High Heels

Men's high heels are made to be comfortable and look good, so they will replace the standard sneaker as an everyday shoe. Men are also likely to buy more expensive shoes in order to get a better fit and style. The market for men's shoes will grow by 10% every year through 2024, according to Business Insider. In 2023, there will be almost 4 billion pairs of men's shoes sold each year—a nearly 50% increase from 2022 levels!


London is the most fashion-forward city in the world. It's also a good place to shop for high heels for men, as many stores specialize in selling them. The men's fashion scene is growing rapidly, and there are many stores that sell high heels for men. You'll find everything from classic black pumps to sexy patent leather boots or lace-up loafers with chains attached — especially,there are even some sparkly pairs available too!


Tokyo is a city of contrasts, where you can find high heels and sneakers at the same time. It’s also home to some of the best nightlife in all of Asia, making it an ideal place for any man who wants to dress up on a regular basis. If you're looking for something more low-key, there are plenty of other options: Tokyo has some great shopping districts as well as traditional markets where you can get your hands on just about any shoes!

Check out DECIBEL Blog

Acoustic Panel Placement in Your Music Studio

Plasarea panourilor acustice în Studioul dvs. de muzică

În acest ghid, vom aprofunda în arta plasării optime a panourilor acustice pentru a vă ajuta să creați un mediu auditiv armonios, care rezonează cu adevărat.

📖4 minute de citit

Muzica este cea mai puternică formă de magie.
Marilyn Manson

Când vine vorba de schimbarea acusticii spațiului dvs., panourile acustice sunt un instrument puternic. Aceste panouri fac minuni. Ele îmblânzesc ecourile, reduc zgomotul și clarifică sunetul. Cu toate acestea, pentru a le debloca întregul potențial, plasarea corectă este esențială. În acest ghid, vom acoperi arta plasării optime a panourilor acustice. Vă va ajuta să creați un mediu sonor armonios, care rezonează cu adevărat.

1. Identificați punctele de reflecție

Începeți prin a identifica punctele de reflecție. Acestea sunt suprafețe în care undele sonore răsună și creează ecouri. Undele sonore se răsfrâng în punctele de reflexie. Aceste puncte includ zone precum pereții, tavanele și colțurile. Această săritură creează ecouri. Concentrarea pe trei puncte cheie de reflexie poate îmbunătăți foarte mult acustica. Acestea sunt: ​​punctul oglindă. Se așează între difuzor și ascultător. Există și pereții laterali cu difuzoare. Tavanul este între difuzoare și ascultător.

Plasarea panouri acustice în aceste puncte vor intercepta și absorb aceste reflexii, prevenind sunetul să devină noroios și neclar.

Vezi infografica de la finalul articolului.


2. Primul punct de reflecție pentru vorbitori

Pentru o calitate optimă a sunetului, adresați-vă primului punct de reflexie pentru difuzoare. Acest punct este locul în care o linie directă trece între difuzoare și urechi. Pentru a găsi această zonă crucială, așezați-vă în poziția dvs. de ascultare.Pi imagine în care sunetul de la difuzoare lovește pereții laterali înainte de a reveni la tine.

La această intersecție trebuie amplasate panouri acustice. Ar trebui să fie la nivelul urechii. Această poziție minimizează impactul undelor sonore reflectate. Vă asigură că auziți muzica sau dialogurile clar, fără interferențe.

3. Tavanul

Nu uita de tavan! Reflexiile verticale sunt cruciale în orice spațiu de înregistrare. Gestionarea ecourilor aeriene poate avea un impact semnificativ asupra sunetului. Îi rănesc claritatea și precizia.

Puteți reduce saritura sunetului. Faceți acest lucru prin agățareaEcho Moon Deflectoare acustice din material textil suspendat din tavan. Acest lucru va îmbunătăți acuratețea audio în timpul înregistrării și mixării.

De asemenea, laEcho Moon , celEcho Cloud deflector este o altă soluție inovatoare. Gestionează reflexiile sonore din tavan. În mod similar, celEcho Cloud deflectoarele împrăștie unde sonore. Acestea împiedică undele să se conecteze și să provoace un ecou în studioul tău. De asemenea, vă puteți schimba cu ușurință tavanul. Va deveni o parte dinamică a designului studioului dvs.




4. Colțurile contează

Colțurile sunt renumite pentru captarea sunetului și crearea unui bas puternic. Capcane de bas în colțurile camerei împiedică acumularea de frecvență joasă. Ele fac sunetul mai curat și mai definit. Pentru a menține o dispersie echilibrată a sunetului, puteți adăuga și panouri de înaltă frecvență în colțuri.


studio-foam-absorbers-diffusers-bass traps


5. Utilizarea și difuzarea

Când urmăriți o acustică excelentă în studioul dvs. de muzică, plasarea difuzorului este esențială.

Un ghid general este de a plasa difuzoare unde reflexiile sonore sunt proeminente. Acesta este pe pereții din spatele difuzoarelor sau în zonele de înregistrare. Această plasare ajută la împrăștierea undelor sonore. Reduce reflexiile și îmbunătățește claritatea sonoră a spațiului tău.

Salva  infografica de la sfârșitul articolului pentru o îndrumare acustică ulterioară.

6. În spatele tău

Abordarea zonei din spatele tău este la fel de important. Plasarea panourilor în spatele poziției de ascultare poate ajuta la absorbția sunetului care iese.Acest lucru îmbunătățește claritatea generală a sunetului, asigurând în același timp o experiență de ascultare confortabilă pentru toată lumea.




7. Amplasare de la perete la perete

Luați în considerare amplasarea panourilor pe tot peretele. Acest lucru va oferi o absorbție uniformă a sunetului. Acest lucru este foarte eficient. Este valabil mai ales în spații mari. Undele sonore pot sări cu ușurință.

Amplasarea de la perete la perete asigură o experiență auditivă consistentă, minimizând variațiile de calitate a sunetului.




8. Amestecare și potrivire

Panourile diferite servesc unor scopuri diferite. Amortizoare din spumă sunt excelente pentru controlul reflexiilor sunetului. Difuzoare împrăștiați undele sonore pentru o ambianță mai naturală.

Utilizarea diferitelor tipuri de panouri poate absorbi excesul de sunet și poate menține o atmosferă plină de viață. Luați în considerare combinația puternică de panouri acustice din lemn . De asemenea, gandeste-te panouri acustice textile şi capcane de bas .




9. Testați și ajustați

Amplasarea panourilor acustice nu este o știință exactă. Este important să testați diferite aranjamente și să ascultați schimbările de sunet.

Începeți cu câteva panouri. Adăugați treptat mai multe în timp ce evaluați îmbunătățirile sunetului. Urechile tale sunt cel mai bun ghid pentru a găsi aranjamentul perfect.




10. Luați în considerare estetica

Panouri acustice nu trebuie să fie neatrăgător sau neplăcut vizual.DECIBEL oferă panouri personalizabile care se pot combina perfect cu decorul dvs.

Folosind aceste panouri ca elemente de design, obțineți o acustică mai bună și un aspect mai plăcut.




11.  Experimentează și bucură-te

Amplasarea panourilor acustice este un proces dinamic. Pe măsură ce experimentați cu aranjamente, amintiți-vă scopul. Este pentru a crea un spațiu sonor care se potrivește gusturilor tale.

Cu timp și efort, vei găsi aranjamentul. Scoate tot ce este mai bun în acustica spațiului tău.

Vizitați galeria noastră pentru a obține puțină inspirație vizuală.


BONUS:  Sfat profesional exclusiv de la acusticienii noștri

Crearea mediului acustic perfect în studioul dvs. de muzică este esențială. Un concept a câștigat popularitate atât în ​​rândul ascultătorilor, cât și al regizorilor: LEDE - Live End Dead End. Această nouă abordare împarte studioul tău în două jumătăți. Fiecare are un scop unic în îmbunătățirea calității sunetului.

În prima jumătate, numită „Dead End”, veți găsi panouri acustice și capcane de bas. Ele creează o zonă strâns absorbită în apropierea difuzoarelor. Această zonă este concepută pentru a capta și elimina reflexiile nedorite din difuzoare. Procedând astfel, se asigură că sunetul rămâne pur și nealterat, fără distorsiuni.




Pe de altă parte, avem "Live End". Această jumătate a încăperii începe la mijlocul dintre urechile tale și se întoarce. Are difuzoare. Aceste difuzoare împrăștie undele sonore. Ele fac acest lucru într-un mod care imită acustica spațiilor de zi cu zi, cum ar fi un living confortabil sau un dormitor. Acest efect de difuzie face sunetul moale și plăcut. Îl împiedică să fie uscat sau controlat excesiv.




Geniul conceptului LEDE este capacitatea sa de a crea sunet surround. Face acest lucru în timp ce elimină total reflecțiile perturbatoare. Este amestecul perfect de absorbție și difuzie. Oferă cea mai bună acustică pentru studioul tău de muzică.

Pentru a duce configurarea LEDE mai departe, încercați să schimbați locul în care plasați panourile.De asemenea, modificați câte folosiți și ce tipuri. Reglarea acestor elemente vă poate ajuta să obțineți sunetul exact pe care îl doriți. Vă permite să personalizați sunetul studioului dvs. după gusturile dvs.

Amintiți-vă, LEDE este flexibil. Așadar, ajustați-l și perfecționați-l până când găsiți punctul dulce care face ca muzica să strălucească.




Ecouri ale Cunoașterii

Amintiți-vă că amplasarea optimă a panourilor acustice este un amestec de știință și creativitate. Îți poți transforma spațiul într-un refugiu pentru sunet. Faceți acest lucru plasând panouri în punctele de reflexie. De asemenea, puneți-le în colțuri, tavane și în spatele zonei de ascultare. Cu toate acestea, nu există o abordare universală. Este vorba despre găsirea configurației care se potrivește spațiului și preferințelor tale.

Deci, lăsați experimentarea să înceapă și bucurați-vă de un peisaj sonor care cântă cu adevărat.

Nu uitați să consultați infograficele noastre de mai jos.




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