Прибор за уградњу акустичних панела

Подесиви систем вешања за преграде

Овај подесиви систем за качење је посебно дизајниран за једноставну уградњу на плафоне. Долази са подесивим металним ужадима и вјешалицама, који омогућавају прецизно постављање и сигурно причвршћивање за ваше акустичне панеле. 

Израђен од висококвалитетних материјала, нуди издржљивост и дуготрајне перформансе, ефикасно побољшавајући апсорпцију звука у било којој просторији или простору. 

Можете пронаћи упутство корак по корак на релевантним страницама производа које ће вас водити кроз једноставан процес инсталације.


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Hooks and Brackets for Wood Slat Panels

Make your wood slat acoustic panels an integral part of your decor with our innovative hooks and brackets, designed to transform your panels into a unique and functional aspect of your home.

Our hooks are not just practical; they’re a stylish addition to any space, giving you the freedom to securely hang everyday essentials like jackets, bags, and keys. With our brackets, you can further imbue your style by mounting grips, hooks, or shelves that complement your decor. They can bear up to 5 kg.

The price is per pack. Each pack contains 2 pieces.

The installation of our hooks and brackets is simple and intuitive, whether you’re working with horizontal or vertical panels.

For horizontal panels: Securely lock the bracket behind the slat for stable and concealed installation.
For vertical panels: Screw the Vertical Mounting* into the felt where you wish to mount our hook or bracket. Now you can securely lock the bracket onto the Vertical Mounting. This provides you with the flexibility to adjust the hanging according to your unique needs and preferences. *vertical mounting is sold separately.

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Shelves for Wood Slat Panels

Transform your wood-slatted acoustic panels into a functional and stylish element in your space. The shelves are designed for easy mounting on your acoustic panels.  Perfect for displaying everything from plants to your favourite books, they are a clever storage solution without compromising on acoustics. They come in 20cm and 40cm length options with 10cm width and can bear up to 5 kg weight.

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